Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract.
Abstracts are invited from students and recent graduates in all areas of biomechanics research. Please follow the template provided, which is similar to the ASB / ISB abstract. Once prepared, please submit the abstract as a .pdf file to with the subject line NWBS 2016. Abstracts must be submitted electronically by 11:59pm on April 21, 2016.
Authors will be notified of their session and presentation type by May 9, 2016.
Podium and poster presenters should refer to the presenter instructions below for guidance on presenting their work.
- Cardiovascular Biomechanics
- Cell & Molecular Mechanics
- Clinical & Sports Biomechanics
- Comparative Biomechanics
- Gait & Locomotion
- Injury
- Joint & Tissue Mechanics
- Modeling & Methodology
- Neuromuscular Control
- Orthopaedics
- Posture & Balance
Podium and Poster Presenters Info
Please keep in mind that the NWBS audience is diverse (e.g., engineering, biological sciences, exercise science, etc.) so be sure to provide the context and broad perspective of your work, explaining any terminology, abbreviations and/or concepts that may be specific to your field.
Podium Presentation
- Please plan on an 8-minute presentation, followed by 3 minutes for questions. Please be respectful of your fellow presenters and adhere to the time limit.
- Bring your presentation (e.g. PowerPoint slides, videos, etc.) on a USB drive and transfer it to the Windows laptop in the presentation room during the following allotted times. A technical assistant will be available to assist you.
- Friday presenters: Between 11:30-12:30 pm or 2:00-2:45 pm Friday
- Saturday presenters: Either the Friday times above or 8:30-9:15 am or 12:15–1:15pm on Saturday.
- Session moderators will introduce speakers and enforce time limits on the presentations and question periods. Be sure to check in with the moderators a few minutes before the start of the session in which you are presenting.
- During the question period please repeat the question before answering it so that the audience can hear it clearly.
- Please prepare a poster with a maximum size of 3’ tall by 3’ wide.
- The abstract title, list of authors, and author affiliations should appear in large letters across the top portion of the poster. Ensure that all text and figures are readable from at least 4’ away.
- Posters will be exhibited on designated display boards located in the Kaiser Atrium.
- Please hang your poster on the board corresponding to your assigned poster number by 2:00 pm on Friday and take it down by the end of the conference at 4:15 pm on Saturday. Pins will be provided.
- At least one author is expected to be present at each poster throughout the poster session.
- NEW Each poster presenter has the option to give a 2-minute oral presentation to introduce their poster to the audience at the start of their poster session. Please bring a maximum of 2 slides on a USB for upload at one of the times listed for podium presentations above.