
Gage ResidenceHousing in the UBC Gage Residence (private rooms, shared bathroom/lounge) is available at a conference rate of $48 CAD plus tax per night, including Continental breakfast. See the information sheet for details about the accommodation and travel directions. The conference has a financial stake in having the room block filled, so please consider booking preferentially into these accommodations.

Bookings in the conference room block must be made by May 3, 2016.
  Book Here
Bookings can be made through the website, or by calling the UBC Reservations Office at (Toll-Free) 1-888-822-1030. When you call, please inform staff that you are attending the Northwest Biomechanics Symposium 2016.
Note that the residence rooms have wired internet only – please bring your own network cable and any necessary connectors.

Other types of accommodation are available on campus, with regular rates between $135 and $195 CAD.